How to remove a wallpaper border


How to remove a wallpaper border

Hair Dryer Method
1.Heat the wallpaper. Set the hair dryer to its highest setting. Plug it in and blow hot air over the corner and edge of the wallpaper. Heat the wallpaper for about 30 seconds. The heat from the hair dryer should loosen the adhesive that was used to attach it to the wall.
2. Loosen the edge of the wallpaper. Use your fingernail or a knife to lift the edge of the wallpaper and peel it back slowly. If it comes loose, keep peeling it back until it resists.
3. Continue heating and peeling the wallpaper. Hold the hair dryer over the unpeeled section of wallpaper border and slowly peel it away. Continue down the length of the border, heating and peeling it until the entire piece of wallpaper has come loose from the wall.
Don't rip the wallpaper off in strips. This ends up making it more difficult to remove in the long run, since it leaves thin pieces of wallpaper on the wall.
If the wallpaper stubbornly sticks to the wall, don't force it. The hair dryer method doesn't work with all types of adhesive; you may have to try another strategy.