How to stick wallpaper directly on cement metope


 How to stick wallpaper directly on cement metope

Can cement metope wallpaper?Many kiss are very concerned about this issue.Wallpaper with its advantages of inexpensive, simple design and color is rich, the construction has been occupies very large proportion in metope is decorated, but the question of whether to cement metope can directly paper has not been an accurate answer.Small make up today to solve the "ultimate" confusion for everyone.
May 1. Cement metope wallpaper?
Can't cement metope wallpaper.If we forced the wallpaper on the concrete surface, soon it will fall off on their own.Want to stick wallpaper metope must level off, but no matter how careful you brush cement metope can achieve smooth, you can see when viewed from the side wall cement metope is curved.In addition, drying is also a requirement to metope wallpaper, and the concrete surface water imbibition is bad, the future joint between the wallpaper are easy to crack.
2. Cement metope wallpaper the concrete construction?
If you want to in the cement metope wallpaper is not certain, just we want to make great fluctuation in metope, specific can do this:
(1) at the grass-roots level.Want to make cement metope wallpaper, you must be at the grass-roots level.We usually choose water resistant putty, because only in this way the wallpaper will not peeling, become warped edge, etc.At the grass-roots level to solid, solid flat didn't get grey phenomenon, no trachoma pitting, etc.In general we have to apply on grassroots three hundred varnish, so as not to brush, leakage flow phenomenon.
(2) selected primers.In general we often do with emulsioni paint primer.To brush a layer of primer on the surface of the concrete, because it can avoid the cement wall of small particles such as impact on the wallpaper.
(3) TuJi membrane.Before cement metope wallpaper, we also should do it again basilemma besmear to brush, so in addition to being able to let the wallpaper paste more outside the prison can also make more durable at the grass-roots level, to achieve the purpose of corrosion protection.
3. When cement metope wallpaper to pay attention to?
(1) cement metope to pay attention to the direction of the wallpaper, wallpaper design and color should be consistent, can not have obvious error, once found mistakes timely rectification.
(2) when the cement metope wallpaper should pay attention to the flatness error should be within 3 mm of metope, or wallpaper will not firm, and adornment effect is very poor.
Taken together, "cement metope can paper?" the answer to this question is "can't".Everybody when dealing with metope should go in the direction of the smooth, impervious, dry.When testing the dry degree of metope you can will be posted on the wall, a small piece of film sealed, check after 24 hours, and if there is no water vapor is the metope of the qualified.