How to match Wallpaper


Often one of the biggest challenges a new home decorator faces is giving a room a pulled-together look. One way to give a room a more finished look is to use wallpaper and matching fabric to accessorize the room with color and texture. Many manufacturers create wallpaper and fabric collections that make it easy to mix and coordinate patterns. By following a few key steps, a novice decorator can learn how to mix and match colors and patterns, thereby increasing decorating options.

elect wallpaper for a focal point. When choosing wallpaper, think about the colors you'd like to bring into your space and what type of feel you'd like your room to have. Timeless patterns like toile can give a room a more formal feel, while geometric patterns are best for modern rooms. In addition to the type of pattern, consider also the size of the pattern. Larger patterns add visual interest but can make a room seem smaller; smaller patterns, on the other hand, can make a small room seem larger, especially if the pattern is created with light or neutral colors.

Purchase large samples of your favorite three or four wallpapers. If at all possible, you want to get a sample that is at least 12 inches square. Take these swatches home and tape them to the wall in the room where you think you want to install them. This will give you an idea of how these wallpapers will look in your home with your furniture and lighting. Hanging your large samples helps you avoid investing time and money in a wallpaper that doesn't work in your space.