

Step 1: for wallpapering: First look at the area and size of the wallpaper you need to post. After confirming, we can cut the texture design and size of the wallpaper. And before posting the wallpaper, it is necessary to post the wallpaper first, this is to make the wallpaper look more comfortable, beautiful and durable.
Step 2: Paste wallpaper: wait for the wall to be leveled. Remove some extra materials such as paint wallpaper on the wall, and fill in the potholes on the wall in a timely manner, and if there is some cloth on the wall paper, waste silk, etc. should be removed in time, otherwise post The wallpaper will pierce the wallpaper, and after being filled and cleaned, it should be polished to make the wall smoother, so that it is more convenient to post, and the wallpaper will be more beautiful after it is attached.
Step 3: Paste wallpaper: Crop the wallpaper. When cutting the wallpaper, observe the symmetry of the wallpaper and plan the wallpaper. The effect posted in this way will be more beautiful. If multiple wallpapers are used, the order in which the wallpapers are used must be numbered. At the same time, after the wallpaper is cut, it should be immersed in clean water for ten minutes before brushing.
Step 4 of wallpapering: scrape putty after brushing the base film on the wall. First apply a layer of film on the wall, the thickness is relatively moderate, and then scrape the putty and polish it. Just like the previous work of painting, perform multiple times to polish the putty. This is to make the wall more smooth and smooth. It is smooth and prevents the wall from absorbing the glue of the wallpaper, so that the wallpaper is firmly posted on the wall, which is more flat and beautiful.
Step 5 of pasting wallpaper: Glue the floor wall and wallpaper. When applying the wallpaper, pay attention to the uniformity and avoid stacking. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the wallpaper from being stained. After coating, the glued surface should be folded in half and placed for three or five minutes to prevent the glue surface from drying too fast and affecting the use. When applying glue on the wall, his width should be wider than that of the wallpaper, and reserve some space.
Step 6 of pasting wallpaper: Crop the wallpaper. The wallpaper was cut before, but now the wallpaper to be posted is cropped. Before cutting the wallpaper, measure the scale. At the same time, the symmetry of the wallpaper must be maintained when cutting, so as to be more beautiful. In particular, some wallpapers are painted with larger patterns, so their integrity must be maintained and they cannot be cut blindly.
Step 7 of pasting wallpaper: paste the wallpaper. The principle to be followed when applying wallpaper should be vertical first, then horizontal, first high, then low, and then up. When the first wallpaper is pasted, you should find the starting point in the corner, and then smooth it from the middle to the sides with your hands from the top, so that the wallpaper can be pasted more firmly, and it is not easy to produce bubbles in the middle. At the same time, the glue squeezed out of the wallpaper should be dried with a wet towel before use. Prevent the wallpaper from turning yellow for a long time and affect the service life of the wallpaper.